          Everyone knows that all the buzz for the past few weeks has been about the 2012 Olympics that were recently held in London. My attention was on Track & Field and Jamaica was the country that I followed. This year they sent 32 Olympians over to London, but the one every competitor watched was Usain Bolt, a.k.a. "The World's Fastest Man."  No kidding, he really is the fastest man living right now. He does his sport with such ease and makes everyone running against him want to give up as soon as those bright and shiny golden shoes step foot on the track. He's cocky beyond belief, saying things like "I'm a living legend," but hey, he deserves to be. This guy beats world records with ease and I'm pretty sure he put in a lot of work to get to the place he's in now. He's Jamaica's hero, a great role model, and he gets to do something he loves everyday which is what life is all about, right?